The Merchantville Pennsauken Water Commission (Commission), located at 4400 Frosthoffer Avenue, Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey, is providing notice of its intent to develop and implement an environmental infrastructure project, more specifically, the construction of Browning Road Treatment Plant Improvements, which will add treatment to the existing plant consisting of Advanced Oxidation and Granular Activated Carbon. The approximate construction cost budget for this project is $10,300,000.00.
The Commission is requesting funding assistance from the New Jersey Water Bank Program for the project. The NJDEP has approved the environmental review of the project.
Planning and environmental decision documents are available for review at the Commission’s office, 6751 Westfield Avenue, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey.
The Commission owns and operates the water treatment plant Commission Service Area. The service area is comprised of Merchantville Borough and the majority of Pennsauken Township, and portions Cherry Hill and Camden.