- Is MPWC Water Safe To Drink?
Yes. The water delivered to your home or business complies with or exceeds all state and federal drinking water requirements. - Where does our water come from?
The MPWC pumps groundwater from 15 wells that tap the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy (PRM) Aquifer and transmits it to the MPWC’s five (5) treatment facilities. The quantity of water that we are able to pump in any given minute, day, month or year is strictly governed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). In 1993, the NJDEP permanently reduced our permitted annual pumping capacity. Consequently, we must augment our well water supply from other sources. Currently that source is New Jersey American Water Company (NJAWC). At the present time, a very small amount of water is purchased annually, which represents approximately 1% of our needs. NJWAC supplies water from three (3) sources: surface water from the Delaware River and groundwater from PRM and Mt. Laurel-Wenonah Aquifers. - How much water is stored in above ground storage tanks?
In total, MPWC has six (6) above ground water tanks, with the newest located in Cherry Hill. The total capacity of the above ground storage tanks is (8) million gallons of water. This type of water storage not only enhances water pressure (which is needed to take showers, sprinkle lawns and fight fires), but it also provides over a full days worth of water supply to our entire franchise area in case of an emergency situation. - What causes water discoloration, and is it harmful?
Water discoloration is usually caused from aging pipes. While not appealing, it is not harmful. Discoloration can result when the water lines are disturbed by installing a new pipe, improper hydrant flushing or shutting off the water to an area for maintenance. Your home’s plumbing can also cause discoloration. - Do I need to filter my water?
Your tap water is perfectly safe without a filter. You might consider using a filter if you have internal problems with the plumbing in your home. - Is bottled water safer than tap water?
Keep in mind that many bottled waters are actually bottled tap water. Bottled water is regulated through the Food and Drug Administration and is considered a food product, therefore, it is not as heavily regulated as tap water. Also, the MPWC is required to release information on their water quality, while bottled water companies are not. - Is my water safe from contamination?
Source water protection is of the utmost importance to the MPWC and a long-term dedication to clean, safe drinking water. You can find our Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) Report and Summary here or by contacting the NJDEP, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water at (609) 292-5550. If a system is rated highly susceptible for a contaminate category, it does not mean a customer is consuming contaminated drinking water. The rating reflects the potential for contamination. Public water systems are required to monitor for regulated contaminants and to initiate treatment if any contaminants are detected at frequencies and concentrations above allowable levels. The MPWC will continue to keep you informed of SWAP’s progress and developments. If you have any questions about these findings, please contact our Superintendent, Craig Campbell at (856) 663-0043 during regular business hours. - How often is our drinking water tested for contaminants?
The MPWC takes hundreds of water samples throughout the year and makes them available to you in our annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). Our compliance with all state and federal drinking water laws remains exemplary. - Can I store my tap water?
You can store cold tap water in clean, amber-colored or foil-covered glass or hard plastic containers for up to two weeks. Keep it cold & away from light. - Is it okay to drink hot water from my tap?
No. Do not drink hot water or use hot water from the tap for food or beverage preparation. Hot water systems contain metallic parts that can corrode over time and contaminate the hot water. - Isn’t it wasteful to flush fire hydrants?
Conservation is very important, but hydrant flushing is a necessary element in the continuing program to improve the quality of water in our system. Water can get stale and develop an unpleasant taste, especially in areas where water usage is low. Flushing clears the distribution system of non-harmful sediment that may build up over time and enables us to provide you with fresh, clear water. - How many people does the MPWC serve?
Currently, the MPWC has nearly 16,000 connections serving nearly 50,000 people. During the winter months, the MPWC pumps an average of 5.5 million gallons of water per day to meet our customers’ needs. In summer months, this number can average 7.5 million gallons per day and higher. This is equal to over 130 gallons of water daily for every man, woman and child in the service area. - Is there fluoride in my drinking water?
There is a small amount of naturally occurring fluoride (averaging .07 mg/L). We do not add any fluoride to the water. - Is the water that comes from the fire hydrant the same water used for drinking?
Yes. The fire hydrants and domestic services are tapped off of the same water mains. - How often is my meter read / will I be billed?
Your water meter will be read and billed on a quarterly basis. - Do we have any water restrictions?
The MPWC encourages all customers to be water wise and practice conservation methods year-round. From May 1 through September 30, we urge customers observe our water conservation program and only water lawns before 9:00 AM and after 7:00 PM. Also, if your house number is odd, we ask that you only water on odd-numbered days & if your house number is even, that you only water on even-numbered days. - Does the MPWC offer a discount for Senior Citizens and/or disabled customers?
Yes. The MPWC offers a Senior/Disabled discount. To qualify, your annual income must be less than $10,000 (not including Social Security). Seniors must be 65 years of age or older. And all applicants must own and live in a single family dwelling and have a 5/8″ meter, and be receiving a senior/disabled discount on their tax bill. The enrollment period runs from October thru December of each calendar year. Please note that even if you are currently receiving a discount, you must apply EACH year to continue receiving your discount. Enrollment forms are available in our main office. Our Customer Support Representatives will be happy to assist you in completing your enrollment. Please take note that your enrollment form requires your block and lot number so please bring along a copy of your tax bill. - I’m selling my house. How do I have the water bill taken out of my name?
If you are selling your home, please call our office and schedule a final reading. This reading should be taken as close to your settlement as possible.