The Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Commission, which is co-owned by the Borough of Merchantville and Pennsauken Township, was first established in 1926. Our service area goes beyond Merchantville and Pennsauken, we also supply water to areas in Cherry Hill Township and Camden City, as well.
During the almost 100 years that we’ve been servicing these communities, we have come a long way. We began by carrying water from customer to customer by horse and carriage. Now, water is carried by underground water mains to homes and businesses. In total, we have over 220 miles of water mains. To put that into perspective, if all of the MPWC’s water mains were put in a straight line, we could supply drinking water all the way to Richmond, Virginia!
The MPWC has 14,912 connections serving almost 50,000 individuals. Some of our largest customers include the Cherry Hill Mall, the Garden State Race Track Development, J&J Snacks, Cooper River Plaza Apts., the Merchantville Country Club, Lidesti Foods, Scrub Daddy and Pepsi Cola, just to name a few.
You’re probably wondering how much water the MPWC pumps on a daily basis. The season of the year and the weather have a tremendous impact on our pumpage. During winter months, the MPWC has averaged 5 ½ million gallons per day. During the summer months that daily number has averaged 6½ million gallons per day. This is equal to over 130 gallons of water daily for every man, woman and child in our service area.
The MPWC prides itself on the above ground water storage facilities that have been built through the years. These storage tanks greatly benefit our many customers. In total, MPWC has six (6) above ground water tanks, with the newest located in Cherry Hill. The total capacity of the above ground storage tanks is (8) million gallons of water. This type of water storage not only enhances water pressure (which is needed to take showers, sprinkle lawns and fight fires), but it also provides over a full days worth of water supply to our entire franchise area in case of an emergency situation.
The MPWC is committed to keeping abreast of the most recent advancements in water treatment technologies through continuous training and education. Our management staff, treatment and transmission personnel attend training seminars and courses designed to keep us up to date and aware of better ways to serve our customers with the safest and best tasting water possible.
The MPWC has invested in the most current and modern methods for the treatment and transmission of your drinking water. In fact, the MPWC has hosted other water treatment professionals and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection officials to showcase our facilities and share our success stories.
These investments of time and money have enabled the MPWC to provide a continuous and plentiful supply of clean, safe, and tasty water for almost 100 years.