We Are Updating Our Records-Service Line Inventory

New Jersey Assembly Bill 5343 requires all water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines. The majority of our service lines are copper. However, we are required to provide an accurate inventory of the various service line types on the customer owned portion of the service for our entire service area.

It is very important that we complete our inventory so that we can finalize plans for the next phase of the project.

If you have not already done so, you can help us by reporting the type of water line coming into your property.  If you know what kind of pipes you have (copper, plastic, galvanized steel, lead, etc.) you can call our office and report the information to one of our Customer Support Reps.  You can also visit our website at www.mpwc.com for valuable information and pictures to assist you with identifying your water service line and service line type.

If you are unsure, you may schedule an appointment with a Service Technician, or you can snap a photo of the pipe coming into the property that connects to your water meter. 

Send your photos along with your

property address to: info@mpwc.com

or call us at: 856-663-0043

We thank you for your continued cooperation as we work to meet the state’s deadline for confirming our system inventory and continuing to provide the best quality water possible.

Identifying Your Water Service Line